Should We blame all Zionist Jews for the war crimes and Crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli Jews on the unarmed civilian Palestinians and women and children. The answer is very simple, and to clarify how simple it is, let us run this thought experiment by asking ourselves these questions:
Do the Jewish people call for the return of Israelis to Brooklyn, Russia, Romania, Hungary, and Poland? Do they call for Returning Palestine to the Palestinians? Do they call for reparation and compensation of Palestinians for war crimes committed against them since their wanton and criminal invasion of Palestinian land in the beginning of the 20th century and immediately after WW II?
If that’s what the Jewish people call for, then I have nothing against the Jewish people. But it is the Jews in Israel Who committed all these war crimes and crimes against humanity while shedding tears of crocodiles for what Hitler did to them.
It was the Jews who committed the greatest Land Theft in human history, armed robbery style, and it was the Jews who used the world media that they own and control to deceive the human race in the greatest disinformation subterfuge in the history of the world.
Yet The Jews come demanding that we should stop pointing at them regarding the so called Zionists crimes, and pretending they are innocent …
I am of the opinion that they are as innocent as serpents. Have they not murdered their prophets? What did Jesus call them? … He called them Hypocrites, Serpents, Brood of Serpents … He called them Murderers of the Prophets of God … They actually accuse Jesus Christ of being an Anti-Semite! And they demand purging his name from all the Bibles.
Who murdered Josiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Imran, Zachariah, and John the Baptist? And who trotted the Holy land claiming that they murdered Jesus Christ himself?
Have we ever heard those so called innocent Jews, who slap the Zionists hands in the media but turn around privately and say “Just Kidding”, calling for Palestine to be returned to Palestinians? Absolutely not one of them would ever wish to see a Jew leave Palestine.
This is a subterfuge so that the world would hear them objecting to war crimes and crimes against humanity, in jest. But they also wish to see the time the Palestinians would just as well disappear and go somewhere else so that they wouldn’t have to chastise even in hypocrisy, their brother Jews in Occupied Palestine for their war crimes. They are Guilty by association.
Guilt by association is the charge the International Jew slammed every German with during the Nuremberg Trials and they still do to milk more money out of Germany for what Hitler did to them.
What do Jews say in defense against all these charges … They’ll never deny them because they can’t deny them; instead, they’ll call you an Anti-Semite!!!!! What is an Anti-Semite? … An Anti-Semite is one who knows the truth about the Jews and Fears Not telling the truth about the Jews!
Got it Now, Zionist Jews?
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